The pets

Patches and the Dude are our two cats. We got them after my failed cycle in February as I needed to take care of something small. We got them from the DSPCA (the local shelter) and although they weren't from the same litter (the Dude is about a month older) they got on very well. This is the post where I officially introduced them!

But let me tell you, these kittens gave us so much heartbreak in only a few months we wondered at times if we jumped into more troubles than joy! First Patches was very sick. So sick that on two occasions we thought we had to put him down. You can find a few posts on his ill-health.

Then the Dude escape as I was in the middle of my FET in April while Patches was still very sick. Who would have ever thought that we would have got him back the day Elvis was transferred back into my womb?? And that Patches would get better? So since the 7th of May 2010 we are a reunited household.

Patches is still very small, like an eternal kitten size, while the Dude is as playful as ever and never attempted to escape again! They are inseparable. This is a recent photo of the two of them hugging in their den! The Dude is about 10 month old and Patches about 9. Both have been neutered!

Patches is no longer with us. After another long period of being unwell, a ton of medications and love, there was nothing more we could do. We put him to sleep on the 23rd of May 2011.

We got a new friend for the Dude. Carlito! After a couple of days of uncertainty, the Dude is really playful and they are getting on great! This is Carlito the day we got him (27th of May 2011) he was about 5 weeks old.

In November 2011, the Dude decided he had enough to be in a house and took to outside. We never saw him since, we hope he's still alive and doing well, somewhere in parks around our estate.
We only have Carlito now.