Thursday, October 29, 2009
Here's to rambling!
Work is really busy at the moment, you see, although exams only happen in December, staff have to submit exam questions in early October (4 weeks into term!) for the external examiners to review them and come back with comments. This system is ridiculous of course (how can someone in a different Country appreciate the type of questions you prepare and judge if they are appropriate without knowing the content of the module??) but it has to be done. And so we rush. Rush to prepare exam questions even before you'll know what you will teach during the semester, rush to comment on the external examiner comments, correct your questions (here is not like in the States, students must be given options within a question so that they can pass knowing 40% of the contents...ridiculous), rush them to the secretaries for printing and then rush some more when your colleagues do not stick to the deadlines and you look bad too. Ah well that's done now.
But the most demanding thing now is my research group. I have a 7 PhD students at various stages and 2 Post Docs. 3 of the students are finishing up and have started writing their thesis and one of them is having a nervous break down. Seriously. She is such a bright student, so mature for her age and in a day she turned into Satan. Still seriously. She wasn't herself, she was very aggressive with me (the boss!!!) and absolutely out of control. Believe you me girls, I actually didn't know what to do. After a few days she improved a bit and I waited a few more days and then talked to her. The poor thing was in tears every few words, she's worried she's in fact breaking down, she can't sleep, can't work or not work, she realises there's something wrong with her and doesn't know what to do. Needless to say I'm very worried for her. She's been my first student and it's like a daughter (now....I'm not that old!! and she's not young enough to be my daughter, but you know what I mean), she'll be going to the UK for a post doc, and she'll be alone over there. I tried to be very supportive, she was so apologetic and so on. I mean...I cannot go and phone her mum up can I? I'll keep a close eye on her though, hopefully she'll ake the advice of going to see a doctor soon.
Tomorrow I'll upate on the house!
Monday, October 26, 2009
A plan is shaping up in my head
But on the IF front I started feeling ready to go again. That's brilliant. I mean, it's a brilliant feeling. And so if AF shows up on time around next weekend, I think I'll phone the clinic and speak to the Favourite Doctor and see if we can schedule a cycle for the New Year. Due to the methotrexate shot on the 16th of September, I couldn't cycle before the end of the year in anycase, but maybe I can get nice dates in January leading to February? Ideally I would want to be on the pill for the shortest time possible and assuming that the cycles are normal enough I'll propose to start the pill with the December cycle and then we'll see the clinic calendar for dates at the end of January. How's this for a plan? I haven't said anything to Mike yet, I want to make sure I'll feel the same when AF shows up!
No news on the Ectopic Support Group yet, and no news from the Adoption Board yet (I guess it shouldn't be too long now, all the documents have been evaluated by the individual units and gathered together for the approval of the Board).
Also no progress on buying a new house, so we converted our plans into trying to .... convert the attic of our exiting home! It won't be a straight forward job as we live in a duplex and have to respect apartment type "house rules" step at the time and hopefully we'll get a plan approved!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
ICLW round.... four?
So shall I give a quick recap or where we're at? Or your already sick andtired of it :o)? Ah well, it's not like you have a choice ehehehe so here it goes, I promise it'll be short!
Mike and I have been together for 6 and half years (WOWOW that's the longest relationship I haver had!) and we got married in 2007. I started feeling the ticking clock since I was 28 I think but you know how it goes, the time didn't seem right (and it wasn't), I was getting separated from my first husband so really I didn't even quite have the basic crucial elements to have a baby! Then I met Mike, things became serious more or less in 2004 but he couldn't even think of a family at that stage, so we waited, and we waited some more. Until I got tired of waiting and told him so in 2006. It became clear at that point that the traditional Irish education had done some "damage"...there's no such a thing as having children without being married! And so that was somewhat a proposal and we got married in March 2007. We started "trying" a bit ahead of schedule but nothing happened. Then we were married but unfortunately that didn't make much of a difference and after several months we got tested. MFI was the diagnosis. In December 2007 I had a lap&dye plus D&C (diagnostic) and a part from very mild endo nothing seemed wrong.
And here we are, an IUI, one fresh ICSI cycle (ectopic), two FETs and another fresh cycle (ectopic again!!) later...wondering when can we go again.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
They keep coming!

Here are the rules that accompany this esteemed honor:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award - check
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog. - check
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award. - check
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people may not know.
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they’ve been nominated.
I think I have done everything up to n°4! So, let's start with the list of things I haven't yet said about me:
I have never been into videogames until we bought the Wii
I'm a bit of cleaning-obsessed person, but I have improved a lot lately....ehmehm
The sheet that covers the materass must be perfectly straightened out or I cannot sleep!
I speak two languages only, Italian (mother-tongue) and English
My nephews are absolutely adorable, but I wish they stop asking when will we have children...
I kissed properly less than ten guys....I know I must have been too focussed on studying!
I tend to juggle too many things at a time and that's not good for my karma!
And for the nomination I'm going to use the list below so you guys have got two for the price of one LOL
Courtney again is the lovely blogger who nominated me for the next award:

Courtney is one of my most recent followers and I'm getting to know her through her blog only recently, but she is justso positive about life and although she's going through IVF like most of us, she manages to keep a fantastic attitude which is definitely contageous!
Here are the rules:
1-Thank the person who nominated you for this award and write a little bit about why you love them.
2-Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3-Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4-Nominate no more than 17 people (why 17?) who you love or you think could use some love.
5. Write one word (you can only use a word once) about what you love about their blog.
6. You cannot nominate someone who has already been nominated-the love has to spread to all.
7-Post links to the 17 blogs you nominate.
8-Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they’ve been nominated.
So in no particular order and way less than 17 so that some one is still available to receive the award:
Best When Used By connecting
Stacey inspiring
Mad Hatter am(az)(us)ing!
Fertility Chick progressing
Fertility Guy courageous
Sweet Georgia researching
Jane G reflecting
And now I've finished this post! Getting awards is really nice but this time it has taken me ages to finish this one! All the words I've used are meant so my friends, take your time and pass it along when you feel like it. I love you all.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
They all said next time I'll meet them it'll be for a good reason and they all can't wait to see me for a proper baby-scan! Weren't they nice? Lovely all of them. When the chief-midwife called me with the results (yes! it happened again! unbelievable) she said to make sure that the next time I'm pregnant I have to book a very early scan. I told her that I had phoned this time too but that they didn't seem to want to book me in before seven weeks. She was horrified and told me to ask for her directly and she'l sort things out. Nice.
I have a few bloggers to thank for awards (THANK YOU!) and I'll work on them in the next day or so.
Meanwhile the only other news I have is that I am now part of this newly born "Ectopic pregnancy Ireland" support group! It's such an early stage and there is a lot to do, but hopefully we'll have soon a website and a support-phoneline! The girls (only 6 of us in total so far!) have already applied for a Governament recognition of the charity organization, they have prepared leaflet already to be distributed to hospital and they have been already medically approved. I feel great about this, I cannot say how much. I haven't met them yet, it is all dealt with by emails and over the phone, but because we shared the same experience it's as if we know eachother already!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Another award!

1. You Can Only Use One Word
2. Pass this along to 6 of your favorite bloggers
3. Alert them that you have given them this award
4. Have Fun!
The Fun Part
1. Where is your cell phone? Bag
3. Your mother? Unreplaceable
4. Your father? Present
5. Your favorite food? Desert
8. Your dream/goal? Happiness
9. What room are you in? Office
10. Your hobby? Blogging
11. Your fear? Illness
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Family
13. Where were you last night? Bed
14. Something that you aren’t? Complete
15. Muffins? Bluberry
16. Wish list item? Pregnancy
17. Where did you grow up? Italy
18. Last thing you did? Blogging
19. What are you wearing? Jeans
20. Your TV? On
22. Friends? Reliable
23. Your life? Full
24. Your mood? Positive
25. Missing someone? Sister
26. Vehicle? Micra
28. Your favorite store? Appliances
29. Your favorite color? Orange
30. When was the last time you laughed? Today
31. Last time you cried? Month
33. One place that I go to over and over? None
35. Favorite place to eat? l'Officina
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
HCG nearing zero!
Having a great time with my sister so, again, apologies for being a bit idle at the moment! I also want to thank all my new followers, I just love having you reading my blog.
No other major news to share a part from the fact that we are considering buying a new house! Of course, I have to keep myself busy while waiting for other things to happen...
Friday, October 2, 2009
Sister and other news

I'm in fact blogging from her Mac which I hardly know how to use (I'm an hard-core pc user and she's now trying to convert me!).